
ghost of christmas yet to come and scrooge

Does Scrooge's Clock Matter?

Why does the timing  of the Ghosts in Dickens's A Christmas Carol matter? How and why do so many film versions screw it up?

Does Scrooge's Clock Matter?

Why does the timing  of the Ghosts in Dickens's A Christmas Carol matter? How and why do so many film versions screw it up?

SCROOGE on London street

Scrooges Fear: Future and Present, and How You ...

Last week, I introduced you to the secret message in A Christmas Carol. We continue with that this week. If you haven't read last weeks, DO IT NOW! HERE! STAVE...

Scrooges Fear: Future and Present, and How You ...

Last week, I introduced you to the secret message in A Christmas Carol. We continue with that this week. If you haven't read last weeks, DO IT NOW! HERE! STAVE...

Scrooge's Fear: Your Path to a Happy New Year

Scrooge's Fear: Your Path to a Happy New Year

Dickens's immortal character, Scrooge, holds the secret to happiness and transformation, how to turn our Fears into phantoms.

Scrooge's Fear: Your Path to a Happy New Year

Dickens's immortal character, Scrooge, holds the secret to happiness and transformation, how to turn our Fears into phantoms.